My Current Mood is

The current mood of cleo_MG at



Host .

  "Absolute submission" has a new chat room that is all about fun, and enjoyment.

We appreciate the passion and enthusiasm of our hosts. However, we have developed these guidelines for all hosts to follow.Tolerance is the keyword Please contact the room owners if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Our hosts are not required to enforce huge guidelines, nor are they asked to give more that they are happy to give freely.

It is very important that people who visit Absolute submission feel supported.

Hosts are there to keep the room safe, and for the greater benefit of the room you need to know what the chatters are saying at all times. Try not to use the ignore button.

Don't kick on personal grounds, because you don't like a person is not a good reason.

Don't discriminate against anyone because they are of a different religion, ethnic background, creed, gender or sexual orientation. In other words, any kind of gender bashing, is not allowed.

There will be no advertisements of any kind. Unless its first approved of by an owner

The chat nickname "Guest" may be used. It would be better to suggest that people register a full nick.(see the script commands)

Serves and dance are allowed in the room


Disrespect of anyone is a kickable offence in Absolute. one warning.Kick

Please don't upset chatters by swearing or using aggressive language.

The Chat Host is a friendly figure of authority in the rooms

It goes without saying that members must not slander, threaten, or abuse chatters or Chat Hosts.

Racism and other forms of discrimination are never tolerated.

We never promote any drug related activities. However, debating the subject is allowed provided it's not pro-drug use or offensive to others .

All illegal activities are disallowed. These include stalking, hacking etc

Nude picture breach Buzzen code of conduct and are therefore not allow and will not be tolerated, ask once then remove the offending chatter.

Hosts are responsible for multiple duties, but please welcome new chatters whenever you can.

Maintain respect at all times. Anything you do as host reflects on you, on Absolute, and on our other sites.

NEVER gossip about other members behind their backs in chat or private messaging.

The point is to keep people coming back to our sites to build a strong community with common interests.

Your hammer is not a badge, if you're holding it; you are a representative of Absolute submission, use it well please.

Tips for hosts
Hosts must adhere to our host guidelines to maintain their status. This ensures consistency, maintains the goals and purposes of the site, and keeps our community positive and healthy for everyone.

People need to know who can help them should they need assistance, and they will feel more comfortable coming into a new place.

After greeting the newcomer, encourage other to do the same. This makes the person feel welcome. Ask them general questions such as where they are from, and their interest in that particular topic. Depending on their replies, it is then much easier to keep the conversation flowing around the various topics.

You can be especially helpful as a host if you are able to refer people to articles and resources: know the seekers web addresses or the shortcut links to those details. (see the dot commands)

There is no reason to carry a hammer all the time you're in chat. Too many hammers frighten chatter, only hammer up if there appears to be a shortage of hosts to the ratio of chatters

Draw lurkers out of silence if possible, but don't badger them.

Try to keep the conversation flowing, but let people have their private time if they want. You don't have to do all the talking. Consider yourself a guide, and a valued member of our community.

Arguments and disputes in the main room disrupt the flow: therefore if such things do happen, try to encourage those involved to go to whisper or IM, and do the same yourself. This removes awkward situations from the main room, and leaves the room to flow.

No kicking for whispering .. people can chose to decline and lock whispers, just inform.
The bot will auto host once you are made a host, or use the "!hostme" command,

To de-host, rick click your nick and scroll to make participant

How to use the kick facility.
Right click on the persons nick and go down the list to kick or ban and left click in order to remove them from the room.

The owners of Absolute submission will always support their hosts in any decision a host feels they need to take. Therefore please try to keep kicking chatter as a last resort and never on a personal issue.

Have fun!

Kick guidelines:
Three warnings before a kick

Abuse of host.. kick
Abuse of another in open room.. kick

Dot commands

.website:******* Visit our site at
*.dsfm: *********Tune into Ds.FM Radio.
.register:*******why not sign up as a Buzzen registered chatter
.request:******** To request songs check out the playlist,
.helpdesk*******to go to the buzzen helpdesk
.alert*********** Yep, we are an adult room, and we listen to adult music too..
.guest:********** why not sign up as a Buzzen registered chatter
.list: ************ if you want to see the playlist and request music click the link
.seekers*********visit the seekers D/s website

Graphics and design © Absolute Submission

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