A Slave's Offerings

Slaves kneel before their Masters
as a sign of honour and respect.

Doesn't this come to you naturally?
Doesn't this please you?

Even showing this simple obedience
can bring a slave pleasure.

Now imagine the pleasure of your Master
as he looks down upon you.

A slave's most intense feelings
are always revealed first
through submission:

Their presentation
is always the same:
and then,
the Master's Benediction.

Does a slave truly desire
to prove submission?
How else to gain
the Master's benediction?

Your Master teaches you
to display your body
to learn openness,
yet true openness
can be learned
only in your

What can a slave
learn from this?

How can you open
yourself even more?

Would this please
your Master more?

Sexual slavery
is a test of your obedience
through your Master's sexuality.
However, sexuality is a natural desire
and slaves enjoy the highly erotic lifestyle.
Does he know if you became his slave
to enjoy the slavish lifestyle,
or for another reason?
You must tell him
of your secrets.
Slaves have

Your true gift to your Master
lies hidden within.

You must strive to give yourself to him
through each thought and deed,
each moment of your life.

Only is this way
can he truly perceive
your preciousness.

Your Master equally enjoys sex
and power over you,
and this you willingly accept.

Your submission becomes
his path to realizing his dreams.

Your body becomes his palette
for erotic fantasies.

Your mind becomes his foil
in your transformation.

And your spirit becomes enslaved
by your shared passion.

While this intimate dance
is in your mind,
you still must keep your balance.